Sunday, March 19, 2006




已忘記了是在哪一年首次碰上他。那時候,日子過得天昏地暗,因為大部分時間都是躲在大學裡那間冷氣很猛的A814放映室,或旁邊非常狹小的preview room裡,「煲」電影。我記得,那時曾多次重看《情誡》(A Short Film about Love),而每一次都會隨著戲裡的小郵務員Tomek,一起經歷著純真的心靈如何逐漸被殘酷的現實所毁,很刺痛的感覺。

我也記得自己曾到灣仔新華戲院看《兩生花》。當時,故事看得不太明白,但是布偶戲那一場,卻令我異常感動,一直看一直流淚。後來,讀到奇斯洛夫斯基的自傳《Kieslowski on Kieslowski》談這電影的段落,他如此寫道:

We had seen a fragment of a puppet show on tv which was fascinating...(the puppeteer) was Bruce Schwartz.

He wasn't working with puppets any more because he couldn't make a living out of them...What has this moronic world we live in come to? A man who's the best in the world in his profession can't make a living out of it, because this profession only consists of moving puppets. He had to give it up and now hangs paintings.

He had all the puppets we needed. He suggested a story with a butterfly in it, because he had a puppet butterfly...It was extremely moving... When we finished shooting, the children immediately surrounded him and I saw a happy man.

He came and suddenly rediscovered a past, a joy or happiness which he'd once had in the past and which he'd lost. With our film, it returned for a while. That's terribly important.(.pp. 180~182)




Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing, i also read his book, and i love all of his films! Hope he rest in peace :)

johnho said...

good points!
couldn't agree any more...

Anonymous said...

I love this diary, it made me recalling some movies by Kieslowski. He is a impressing director for me, but I did not understand about his films in most of time.
By the way, I am so envy you had been watching movies so frequently, though I know that working is different to a common audience.
Ten years, it's not a short time. Changing so much, me too. What will be next ten years?
Hopefully healthy and long to you但願人長久!

小息 said...

what will I be in the next ten years? Don't know... oh, I don't even know what will I be in the next ten months! Everything is so uncertain now.

Anyway, thanks so much, chung! Glad to have known a friend like you.

Anonymous said...
